Monday, August 24, 2009

Mid-August goodness

Our cucumbers continue to produce like champs.

We pick a humongous cucumber - and by humongous I mean way, way bigger than market cukes - about once a week and there are usually a couple of more smaller ones around.

I keep wanting to make cucumber soup but the thought of giving up that light and lovely crunch in a salad stops me every time.

We have several little squash growing, of which this is the largest.

I look forward to more of these yellow beauties because the one we've eaten was so succulent and flavorful.

I have Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone and I have several recipes in the wings for these little babies.

Our little eggplant from long ago is sure taking its sweet time.

It is growing at a rate of .5 inches per month apparently.

Maybe we can eat it for Christmas?

We've also started our winter planting, which includes spinach, various lettuces and onions. Next year I hope to be more with the program and actually plan and order winter stuff ahead of time because this summer totally got away from me.

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